Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training and Certification
Posted 11 months ago in NCENA Injury Prevention
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Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training and Certification
Why become CALM certified?
Improve your knowledge and skills in suicide prevention with these self-paced online courses. They are designed for clinicians and other service providers, educators, health professionals, public officials, and members of community-based coalitions who develop and implement suicide prevention programs and policies.
Training is free!
Create an account and complete the training module which is about 30 minutes long and proudly display your CALM certification!
Questions? Please contact Please also let me know if you attend the training so we can track how many people take the class and we would love any feedback on how you think you can use this information in your daily work and if you might need any additional support materials (handouts, gun locks, free local storage option awareness, crisis 988 number cards, posters)